Right-wingers pine for the days when we liked Ike, uppity-Negroes could be put in their place and commie witch-hunts were a national sport. So it should come as no surprise that a congresswoman that was molded in the state next door to the one that gave us Joe McCarthy harkens back to the days when the Wisconsin senator waged "The Fight for America."
For the millions and millions of us who aren't in the know, Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota believes we ought to get a clue: Barack Obama "may have anti-America views" and the MSM should "take a great look at the views of the people in Congress and find out are they pro-America or anti-America."
The first Republican woman to represent Minnesota in the House of Representatives made these moronic statements on the MSNBC show Hardball while being interviewed by Chris Matthews. Bachmann's charge was just one more piece of prima fascia evidence that the wingnuts think that they only know what is America values, that they only know who is pro-American and that they only what they think is the only true American way to think.
Bachmann came to her conclusions based on the false assertion that Obama "had a very strong association with Bill Ayers" and that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, both Democrats, have "far-leftist views."
Right, and from the front-window of my house in Chicago, I can see Minnesota--but I can see Joe McCarthy with lipstick.