While attempting to sort through all the Republican game playing going down at the White House bailout meeting, its aftermath and its meaning, I dropped by the wearerespectablenegroes.blogspot.com site. They've explored the deep, pale secrets of coded words for White People used by politicians and pundits alike. In the general genuflecting to not just come out and say White, the media, the right-wingers and the public intellectuals have created more than a gaggle of euphemisms to describe these folks. So far the Respectable Negro count is at 67. More may be coming. Here are the first 30:
1. Values voter
2. Heartland
3. Mainstream voter
4. Hard-working Americans
5. Lunch pail voters
6. Soccer moms
7. Walmart Moms
8. Nascar Dads
9. Blue collar
10. Regular Americans
11. Real Americans
12. The Base
13. Culture War voters
15. Palin's Army
16. Joe Six Pack
17. Joe Lunch Pail
18. Hockey Mom/Hockey moms
19. American Workers
20. Work Force
21. Regular Folks
22. Ma and Pa Kettle
23. My (or your) neighbors
24. Average American Voter
25. Rural Voters
26. Non-elitists
27. My accountant
28. Small Town Voters
29. The Woman Vote
30. Middle America
For the other 37, click here.
I challenge the Respectable Negroes to match it with a list of coded words for blackfolk.