Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine has the inside track
to become Barack Obama’s vice presidential choice, according to Washington insiders. But Bodog, the on-line sports gambling outfit, says the odds-on favorite is Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh.
No matter what the Beltway pols and pundits think, the Minnesota-born Kaine right now places with 6-1 odds of landing in the VP circle.
The Spread, Bodog's on-line website, favors Bayh because “Evan could help with those (white) working middle class voters that Obama has failed to bring into his camp as hoped.”
"....just think how an Obama-Kaine ticket would sound to the holy rollers out there who refuse to believe that Barack’s a Christian. The evil right-wing mischief-makers will have all kinds of fun with that pairing."
A former Hillary Clinton supporter, Bayh could also help put neighboring Indiana, a Red state, into the Illinois senator’s win column. Of course, the Minnesota-born Kaine could help deliver Virginia, a southern state that has been trending blue. The insiders think Kaine may land the number two spot because he is thought to be very compatible with Obama. Both men are Harvard law alums and both have Kansas roots. Kaine was the first governor outside of Illinois to back Obama.
But the senator from Indiana brings more to the table. Bayh, a politician who is beloved by both Democratic and Republican voters in the Hoosier State, is a two-term governor, two-term senator and member of the Senate Armed Services and Intelligence committees.
Other Democrats in the running, who are now being vetted, have more of a handicap. While Joe Biden’s odds are identical to Kaine’s, Hillary Clinton is favored 7/1. Former contenders for the party’s presidential nomination, John Edwards and Bill Richardson, both come in with 12/1 odds.
If I were a gambling man, I’d go with Bodog’s odds.
Right after Super Tuesday, the political bettors there had Barack at 5/8 and Hillary at 21/20. And I’d definitely take my money off the table before going with the Washington insiders’ bet on Kaine.
First of all, just think how an Obama-Kaine ticket would sound to the holy rollers out there who refuse to believe that Barack’s a Christian. The evil right-wing mischief-makers will have all kinds of fun with that pairing.
Besides that, still in his first term, Kaine hasn’t won over a lot of Virginians in his governing of the state.
In other words, Kaine’s not Abel.